Our packaging: Why the Sombrero? 0

Yes, the cow's wearing a sombrero.

But why the colorful, wide brimmed mexican hat on the face of our beef bak kwa packaging, many asked.

The cow's wearing a sombrero

Well, that's because we're taking our traditional bak kwa for a Californian spin. In the west coast, and especially in California, we're particularly influenced by Baja style cooking that uses smoky hot Chipotle peppers. There's a saying, "live in California once, and it makes you soft for burritos". Ok, I lied. There's no such saying, but you get the point. :) How fun would it be infusing something uniquely Californian into our bak kwa?

So there, a tribute to the land where we're now transplanted to - a marriage of flavors between Southeast Asia and California - and a sombrero!

[caption id="attachment_434" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="All natural, gluten free southeast asian style not-really-jerky protein snack"][/caption]

Now, since we're taking a spin on the new spicy chipotle bak kwa, it's got to be spun right. Bak kwa has been our fond childhood snack, and as we grow, we sorta got to keep our waist lines in check. It was a challenge alright, making snacks that's good to eat, has got nice heat, and calories that no one can beat.

A shot of spicy chipotle beef bak kwa 

All sorts of beef cuts were evaluated, possible farmers were chased down and butchers consulted to help us figure out the best way to de-fat trims, to get the cuts right and immerse our meat in seasonings that'll give the right kick on the palette.

Notice the sprinkles of spices, pop of red and slightly charred ends? That's because the beef is handsomely marinated with local & organic spices, smoky chipotle, cayenne peppers, onion, with just the right amount of sweetness coming from our local strawberry farm. We then grill our beef like how bak kwa should be grilled to retain its juiciness to create the slightly burnt ends.

Check out our selection visit our online store HERE, and for Bay Area folks who lives in San Francisco, we are closer than you think, come visit us at one of our Farmer's Markets locations at BrisbaneRedwood Shore & Sunnyvale for a taste!

In a way that jerky is jerky is jerky, and there's a distinction between jerky, biltong and bak kwa. There's simply no comparison when a piece of meat is grilled!

Jazz it up with NEW Spicy Chipotle Beef Bak Kwa 0

Come join us at Fillmore Jazz Festival @ San Francisco this coming weekend (July 7-8, 2012). Let us feed your soul while you enjoy free live Jazz music. (10am-6pm, Sat-Sun)

For those who like it hot, your wait is over. We will be offering our NEW Spicy Chipotle Beef for the first time at the event.

It's better than jerky!

Our booth (# 2426) is located between Washington & Jackson @ Fillmore Street. Event details can be found here: http://www.fillmorejazzfestival.com/?op=gettingthere

Little Red Dot Kitchen New Spicy Chipotle Beef


1st San Francisco Debut 0

Just like Scott McKenzie sang: "For those who come to San Francisco, summertime will be a love-in there, in the streets of San Francisco, gentle people with Bak Kwa in their hands."

For the first time, Little Red Dot Kitchen will be showcasing our irresistibly delicious Southeast Asian Charcuterie at the Union Street Festival, one of San Francisco's largest festivals, in June 2 & 3 (Saturday & Sunday). More information regarding the festival can be found HERE.

Bring your family & friends along, and we will satisfy your cravings with a taste of Singapore!

[caption id="attachment_186" align="alignnone" width="490" caption="San Francisco Union Street Festival"]Little Red Dot Kitchen Booth# 1735[/caption]